Style The Look | Running Errands

There was a time, not too long ago, when my life revolved around the dance studio. It seemed like I practically lived in dance wear, spending most of my days practicing different routines and perfecting my moves. With multiple classes sprinkled throughout the day, alongside my work commitments, it was crucial for me to find the perfect outfit that would seamlessly transition from the dance floor to the office. This is my go to formula for a work + dance day - look that effortlessly blended style and practicality. As a foundation, I would opt for comfortable leggings and a sports top, allowing for ease of movement and flexibility during my dance sessions. To add an extra touch of chic, layer it with a super cute sweater like this one ffrom Mother. Of course, depending on the weather, I would layer on a blazer to give the outfit a polished and professional touch.

The key here was not to let the accessories overshadow my dance moves, so I kept them minimal and subtle. A delicate necklace, maybe a few bracelets, and a sleek watch completed the ensemble, allowing me to express my personal style without getting in the way of dance. Now, let's not forget about the practical elements. On these busy days, running from the office to the studio and back again, I needed a bag that could carry all my essentials. That's why I always opted for a bigger bag, ensuring that I had everything I needed at hand, from my water to my work files.
And footwear? Well, sneakers were my go-to choice for these demanding days. Not only did they provide the comfort and support that my feet needed during intense dance sessions, but they also allowed me to seamlessly transition from one place to another without worrying about changing them and bonus if you opt for a wedge sneaker it really elevates the look.


Style The Look | Date Night


Style The Look | White Trouser